Holeshot Performance Products, Inc.
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Stage 2 Jetting Kit Installation Tips

These photos are intended to be used as general information. Please be sure to follow Dale's complete installation instruction sheet included with your FZ1 Holeshot Stage 2 Jet Kit.

Bend the air box mounting tab up, to allow more room when removing the air box


Once filters are installed the clutch cable can be routed on top of the left filter


Lightly nylon tie the coolant over flow hose to the frame tube and position over the right air filter


Photo of hose routings , Note! Rear breather hoses are removed from carbs , leave plastic nipples open


Remove the air box drain hoses, and lower breather hoses leading behind the counter shaft sprocket cover


Install Stainless battery tray as shown, using the original air box mounting bolts with provided stainless flat washers and nylock nuts


Route the crank case breather hose along the left frame tube, behind the left side panel. Filter should be located as shown.