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Trip to the Philippines
Dale gets Married -
Its amazing its already been 16 years!

This is called a Jeepney and they are all over the
Philippines. They offer cheap transportation for the
masses. Many are custom painted and the bodies
are polished stainless steel. Trick man, trick!
Philippines. They offer cheap transportation for the
masses. Many are custom painted and the bodies
are polished stainless steel. Trick man, trick!

My son Keenan on our 16 hour flight to Manilla.
Do your homework kid!
Do your homework kid!

The Reyes Family reunion at Las Pinas Place in
Manilla. That's Liza next to my son. Yes, girls
outnumber the guys just a tad. Lots of cousins!
Manilla. That's Liza next to my son. Yes, girls
outnumber the guys just a tad. Lots of cousins!

Downtown Manilla is filled with tricycles. For
transportation mostly 2-stroke singles with two
passengers and a side hack welded together
out of rebar!
transportation mostly 2-stroke singles with two
passengers and a side hack welded together
out of rebar!

The Manilla Bay harbor.

At Las Pinas Place, Manilla, on wooden bridge.
Dale, Liza, Keenan.
Dale, Liza, Keenan.

At the Bureau of Immagration extending our visas
for four extra days. $80.00 bucks, are you nuts?
Took five hours of triplicate red tape!
for four extra days. $80.00 bucks, are you nuts?
Took five hours of triplicate red tape!

My honey and her new son at the Aloha Hotel,

At Starbucks. Yes, they do have them there too!

At the domsetic airport in Manilla.

Liza and Keenan at the domestic airport. Finally
we get out of Dodge and fly to Catanduanes Virac.
Small island paradise where mama and papa live.
we get out of Dodge and fly to Catanduanes Virac.
Small island paradise where mama and papa live.

Asain Spirit Airlines flys from Manilla to all of the
islands. This is our plane, which holds about 50
people. Two old Rolls Royce 4 prop motors.
islands. This is our plane, which holds about 50
people. Two old Rolls Royce 4 prop motors.

The peer at Catanduanes. All the supplies for the
entire island are brought by boat.
entire island are brought by boat.

Across form the peer entering Virac.

Tricycles are the main form of transportation on the
island. Most are Yamaha 100 2-strokes or Honda
155 4-stroke engines. Quite a ride!
island. Most are Yamaha 100 2-strokes or Honda
155 4-stroke engines. Quite a ride!

Loading up the Jeepney to take everyone home
with their supplies from the peer.
with their supplies from the peer.

At the Virac Market. Wow, what a place.

The market is two stories and has everything you
can think of.
can think of.

The meat department. Beef is what America eats,

Liza and I at the Yamaha dealer. The biggest bike
is a 225cc enduro!
is a 225cc enduro!

Motortrade is another popular cycle shop in Virac.
They sell Yamahas, Suzukis and Kawasakis - all
small 2-strokes.
They sell Yamahas, Suzukis and Kawasakis - all
small 2-strokes.

Inside Motortrade. Hey, that's Paul, my new
brother-in-law. He builds your Bandit headers guys!
brother-in-law. He builds your Bandit headers guys!

How about a Singer, as in sewing machine,
motorcycle? It's true!
motorcycle? It's true!

Cock fighting ring on the way to Mama & Papa's

A father and son cruising behind their caribou.

In my bathroom at the hotel room. Hell yes I killed
it. It was him or me. And yes it was poisonous.
it. It was him or me. And yes it was poisonous.

Keenan and now cousin Alex. Alex drives and
maintains four tricycles for a living, amoung many
other things. Keens actually drove this one until
he got into a hair raising tank slapper.
They handle just terribly.
maintains four tricycles for a living, amoung many
other things. Keens actually drove this one until
he got into a hair raising tank slapper.
They handle just terribly.

Keens first coconut.

Brother Rodger shows him how.

At Marinawa Falls 20 minutes or so out of town.
Beautiful place and nice cool water.
Beautiful place and nice cool water.

My sweet Liza. What a smile!

Father and son cooling off.
It's really hot and humid in the Philippines.
It's really hot and humid in the Philippines.

This is at Jo Jo's place. A restaurant in this guy's
back yard with small huts. Outstanding chicken
and pork barbecue as well as chop suey and other
Asian dishes. A full deluxe meal with drinks is
about $10.00 bucks.
back yard with small huts. Outstanding chicken
and pork barbecue as well as chop suey and other
Asian dishes. A full deluxe meal with drinks is
about $10.00 bucks.

My fabricator, now brother-in-law, Paul and my new
sister-in-law Yhonie in Mama & Papa's back yard.
It's right on the beach. Can you say relax?
sister-in-law Yhonie in Mama & Papa's back yard.
It's right on the beach. Can you say relax?

Liza's parents backyard at low tide. Across the bay
in the background is the Mayon Volcano!
in the background is the Mayon Volcano!

Keenan and all his friends. None of them spoke
English, but that didn't stop them from having a
blast everyday on the beach.
English, but that didn't stop them from having a
blast everyday on the beach.

A shot of a beautiful sunset and another volcano.
(I forgot the name of this one.)
(I forgot the name of this one.)

Exploring at low tide. Keenan and Liza.

At a tiny mom & pop store 10 minutes from Liza's
parents place.
parents place.

About to cook lunch in Mama's kitchen. It's just
outside the small 2 bedroom house and you cook
over a wood fire at each meal. Yes, even in a
outside the small 2 bedroom house and you cook
over a wood fire at each meal. Yes, even in a

Bathing is done just across from the main house
by hand pumping the water well.
by hand pumping the water well.

Building the cover for our wedding reception.

Liza and I with Father Bea, the Catholic priest that
married us. He rides a Yamaha RS100, what else?
married us. He rides a Yamaha RS100, what else?

The Palta Church where we were married.
10 minutes from Mama & Papa's.
10 minutes from Mama & Papa's.

Liza with Mama & Papa.

Well here goes! Do I look nervous?
The shirts are called Barongs and they are
traditional in the Philippines.
The shirts are called Barongs and they are
traditional in the Philippines.

Saying our vows.

More of the ceremony.

Finally I get to kiss the bride.

Alright lets eat! They cooked for two days straight
and the food was fantastic.
and the food was fantastic.

Yeah I know! But I couldn't help it.

Ahh. Time for a little champagne and cake.
Sounds good.
Sounds good.

My wife Liza Reyes Walker. She's such a sweat-
heart and I'm a very lucky guy. She will finally be
with me in America by October or November 2001.
heart and I'm a very lucky guy. She will finally be
with me in America by October or November 2001.

Leaving the island of Catanduanes and saying
goodbye to my new family.
goodbye to my new family.

Flying home from Manilla and our final goodbye
for several months. Yes, it was a sad day.
for several months. Yes, it was a sad day.