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This page is dedicated to all the men and women that are currently serving or have served in the US Military. Many of them are Holeshot customers that ride, and this is just a small way of saying thank you for a job well done. If you are serving please feel free to e-mail me with a couple jpeg photos and a short blurb of what you do.
The first person I would like to thank helping with this new page is CW2 Patrick F. Lee that is serving in Iraq. Pat has been in for 22 years and is a avid motorcycle rider. Pat has served on four combat tours, U.S. Invasion of Panama Veteran 89', Persian Gulf War Veteran 90'-91, Iraq War Veteran 03'-05' & 08'-09' .
Pat's currently a Combat adviser on a 12 man MITT Team advising the Iraq Army. Thank you Pat, Your Amazing.
There are thousands of brave men and women keeping America safe by what they do and I am very proud of each and every one of them. I want to say thank you so much for what you do and please keep in mind they cannot do their jobs without our American support back home

he is ex republican guard from the Saddam days.
It turns out he was in the same area as me during
Desert Storm, we are now friends and I advise him
everyday, he's a good man.

gear when we fist got here in October 2008.

Iraqi flag in Taji Iraq.

front of one of the walls with fallen Soldiers names
on it at the 2006 cerimony in Joliet IL.

after completing the MRAP driving course, MRAP's
are the new vehicle that is replacing the "Hummer"
because it withstands blasts better from IED and
RPG attacks than the Hummer's do.

getting ready for a convoy.

that we found that the insurgents shot at us, it
didn't explode so we had to have EOD blow it up.

Freedom Ride.

preparing for the Freedom Ride in 2006.