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Triumph 675 Daytona Dyno Charts
Stock vs Holeshot Slip-On

Run 006 (blue line): Triumph 675 Daytona bone
Run 020 (red line): Triumph 675 Daytona with
Holeshot Slip-on installed, no mapping or tuning
NOTE: These are true numbers off of Dale's in-house dyno. The Holeshot compound is about 200 feet above sea level and
the dyno room stays a constant temperature between 70-80° F. The above results were also achieved with Dale's tuning,
which is a bonus!
Be aware that dynos, dyno operators, conditions and bikes can vary 3-8 HP, so these numbers should only be used as a reference.
These are true numbers measured on Dale's Dynojet 250 I dyno with WinPEP 7 Dyno Run Viewer, STD Mode, Smoothing 5.
Be aware that dynos, dyno operators, conditions and bikes can vary 3-8 HP, so these numbers should only be used as a reference.
These are true numbers measured on Dale's Dynojet 250 I dyno with WinPEP 7 Dyno Run Viewer, STD Mode, Smoothing 5.