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Holeshot Slip-Ons
Yamaha FJR 1300

Dale's FJR 1300 slip-ons really enhance the beauty of the bike, wake up the performance and offer a nice smooth exhaust note. We like to think they are works of art not just another set of slip-ons. The high flow street core Holeshot mufflers are hand assembled in-house and constructed from high grade polished 304 stainless and 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum. The FJR Holeshot slip-ons weight about half of what the stock mufflers do. They are available in fully polished or our powder satin black canisters with polished stainless front and back end caps. The tips are hand tig welded to the end caps in our Jig fixture using a foot controlled rotator which allows us to use no welding rod for a super small precision bead. We also designed a very clean stainless laser cut center stand stop tab that gets full contact of the rubber bumper when the stand is retracted. Dales polished elbow pipes are also separate from the mufflers so during your installation they can be slightly rotated to get the mufflers and tips adjusted to one another perfectly to the same height. To complete the package for our customers we include a new set of original Yamaha header pipe gaskets so you don't have to hassle with it.
These are just some of the little details and consideration, Dale thinks of when designing a new set of Holeshot exhausts.
On our in-house Dynojet dyno our totally stock FJR test bike made 122.4 HP @ 89.0 ft-lbs. With the Holeshot slip-ons added it made 126.4 HP @ 91.1 ft-lbs. The testing was done on a very hot mid 80 degree day.
Click Here to view Dyno Charts
It was 2 to 4 horsepower ahead all the way up to redline and about 2 to 4 ft-lbs of torque also. This was without any tuning done and the FJR runs pretty smooth without any big flat spots in the power band.

Optional Holeshot
Performance Logo Plate

Optional Holeshot
Performance Logo Plate

Holeshot Muffler End-Cap
Now Standard!

(only needed if your riding
style or larger foot often
bumps or rubs the pipe)
Description | Part # | Price |
Polished Slip-Ons | FJR-SO | $679.00 / each |
Stain Black Slip-Ons | FJR-SOB | $679.00 / each |
Heat Shield (Optional) | 08-1651 | $28.00 / each |
Holeshot Logo Plate (Optional) | EX-NP | $5.00 / each |
![]() | Valco All-In-One High-Temp Silicone Valco All-In-One High Temp Black Silicone is ideal for exhaust system slip fits during installation. It's one of the most advanced sealers available, is resistant to extreme temperatures up to 600 degrees, and can be used in non high temp applications as well. This product is a necessity to use if you are installing our Holeshot slip-on or complete header system.
All orders plus shipping - Prices subject to change without notice
![]() | Magic Mix Keep your new Holeshot exhaust looking like new!Magic Mix is known as the lazy man's polish and for a good reason. It's absolutely the best and easiest to use metal polish we've ever tested. It will keep your new Holeshot Slip-on or complete system looking new forever. It works fantastic on aluminum, stainless, chrome and our coated slip-ons or full header system. We use it daily in our workshop during final assembly, as well as, on all our personal vehicles. It can even be used to rub out fine scratches on painted clear coated finishes.
All orders plus shipping - Prices subject to change without notice
![]() | Original Bike Spirit Spray Cleaner & Polish Dale loves this product and often uses it around the shop here at Holeshot . It very well may be the best quick cleaner and polish on the planet. The Original Bike Spirits Spay Cleaner and Polish comes in a aerosol 14 oz. can. This product was formerly branded by Honda and other OEMs, but now is available right from the source. OBS works fantastic on Paint, windscreens, face shields, bare aluminum, chrome , even plastic, vinyl & leather. On leather riding gear it cleans off dirt and bugs without harming the pigment.
All orders plus shipping - Prices subject to change without notice